News Archive
2022 - 2024
Society of West Cheshire Past Lady Captains

Rosemary Lilley was chosen as the prestigious Captain of Captains of West Cheshire Past Lady Captains for 2024. As part of her duties she organised golfing field days and Portal ladies did her proud by winning all the silverware pictured above. They swept the board winning the individual, team and overall competitions and were presented with the prizes at the recent AGM.
Rosemary completed her year with a very successful bridge drive held at Portal with thanks to Donna, Ben and staff and all who contributed.

Well done Rosemary and Portal ladies!

Portal Opens 2024

15/8/24 - Pairs Open (18+)
3/10/24 - Seniors 4-ball Team Event (50+)

Compeitions are on the Premier Course - open to men & ladies.
£20pp entry fee, £10 for members.
Prizes for top 3 teams, plus NtP & Ball pool for 2s.

Contact for entries and further details-

Mobile- 07887 626 320

Lady Captain’s Day 2024

A fabulous day was held recently for Lady Captain's Day; the sun shone, the course was in great condition, the food was good and some excellent scores were posted. Many thanks to Lady Captain Susan for organising a great day with gifts on the 1st tee and food and drinks halfway to keep everyone going. Thanks also to the ladies who made delicious cakes, Donna, Ben & the bar staff for excellent food, the green staff for keeping the course in great condition and everyone else who helped to make a great day.

The trophy was won by Patti Vincent with a great 40pts, on countback from Val Hughes also with 40pts. The 9 hole competition was won by Anne-Marie Stott with 17pts.
Nearest the Pin - Sue Groves
Nearest the Line - Sue Randles.
The winner of the men's comp was Angelo Peccolo with 41pts.
Congratulations to all the winners.
Click on picture for more photos.

Captains’ Drive In 2024

Captains Susan and Steve looking very chilled before their drives with the dreaded ancient driver!

For once a day without rain, hopefully a sign of things to come, made a welcome change recently when Portal had a full field to enjoy the Texas Scramble and play for the Perry Cup.|

Winners of the Perry Cup being presented by Gil Perry.
Val Highes, Paul Bertenshaw, Ryan Fagan & Colin Mark Stott.

In 2nd place, Rosemary Lilley, Chris Turner, Peter Hurst & Stephen Peach with Jeremy Scaiff, Robert Corcoran & Stuart Walton in 3rd place.

Congratulations to the winners and many thanks to all who played, supported the Captains' charity and generally helped to make it an excellent day and brilliant start to the season.

Quiz Night - 9th March 2024

It’s that time again, when Mr Pat Roper dons his Quizmaster regalia for the opening social event of the year.

This year we are holding the Portal Golf Quiz evening in the Castle Suite at the Hotel on Saturday 9th March - heating is included in the the ticket price!

You do not need to be a mastermind contender to enjoy the evening, the focus is very much on fun. Non life changing prizes will be on offer for the winning two teams.

The price per person is £15 which includes a hot meal of curry, rice, naan etc. - alternatives can be made available if you have any specific dietary requirements.

You do not need to be a member to attend, so please bring along family and friends.

You can either enter a team (6 to 8 people) or just register and we will put you into teams on the night.

Please be there for a 19:00 start.

To sign up, either use the link below or put your names on the sign-up sheet on the notice board in the reception area of the Premier Club House. We need payment in advance so we can confirm numbers, how to pay is outlined in the attached link.

AGM 2024

Susan Alexander and Steve Sambell were welcomed as 2024 Captains of Portal at the Annual General Meeting held recently at Portal. Captain Susan presented Past Captain Sharon with a gift from the members in appreciation for her hard work during the past year.

Captain Steve receiving the Captain's tie from Past Captain Steve!
All reports from the AGM can be found on the Members' Hub / Documents on this website.

New Captain Steve's speech obviously amused Past Captain Steve !

Cheques were presented to the recipients of last year's Captains' charities - Ovarian Cancer Research and Platform for Life each received an excellent total of £9,914.45.
Pictured is Past President Pat Roper who was presented with a bell inscribed 'Ring Pat's Bell'! in recognition of the thousands of pounds he has raised at his golf days over the past 10 years for the Captains' charities. Well done Pat.
This year's charity is St Lukes' Hospice at Winsford.

Turkey Trot & Presentation 2023

The sun shone brightly on a cold and frosty morning for the annual Turkey Trot at Portal on Saturday. Members braved the cold and enjoyed golf, mince pies and mulled wine. Some excellent scores were posted and a very close finish! After drinks (courtesy of Captains) and food in the clubhouse, the presentation of prizes took place, including trophies for previous major competitions during the year. Another excellent enjoyable day with thanks to organisers, all who bought/provided charity raffle prizes and everyone who supported the day.
The winning team (on CB) with net 63.6 was Helen Williams, Pat Roper, Rob Corcoran and Steve Light (Rob & Steve not available for photo).


In 2nd place, on a countback, with a net 63.6 - Wei-Sum Leung, Neil Parry, Matthew Spann and David Mitchell. Congrtulations to winners and all who completed the course, especially without losing a ball :)

More photos click on link :

Swipe left or right to view images.

Captains charity 2022 - Update

As the Captains from 2022, we were invited to attend an open evening at the TWMH on
8th June 2023. This was a formal opening of the new facilities which are now in use at the
hospital and which have been largely funded by our charitable donations. The evening was
attended by Tarporley’s local MP Edward Timpson, the TWMH trustees, and the adult
therapy and paediatric therapy teams as well as members of Tarporley’s local community.

TWMH is now part of the Countess of Chester Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, and is
being used to provide therapies and services into our local community.

We were able to meet and discuss with the therapy teams and to see the difference that
the funded equipment has made to the work of the teams. We were so pleased, and
somewhat overwhelmed with the response from everybody at the hospital, who told us
repeatedly how grateful everyone was for the massive contribution from Portal golf club
and what a difference it is making and will make for treatment in the future.

Our funding has enabled TWMH to be equipped with specialist machines, that would not
normally be provided by the NHS.

Specifically, our funding has been used in the following areas ;

Adult therapy, focussed on stroke rehabilitation and neuromuscular disorders - the
purchase of a specialist exercise tread mill, a specialist exercise bicycle and parallel bars
for supported walking.

Paediatric therapy - focussed on cystic fibrosis, neuromuscular disorders and disability -
the purchase of a vibration plate machine (specifically for cystic fibrosis), specialist
exercise tread mill and specialist exercise bicycle.

Mental health therapy - a counselling room, decorated and fully furnished.
The above areas and treatment rooms have also been fully renovated and re decorated,
which our funding has also significantly helped.

Please see below a series of photographs which show the new facilities and equipment.
A massive thank you to you all for all your support in 2022, it is great to see the funds
raised being used to make a difference in our local community and to some of our

Best Wishes
Rob and Andrea
Immediate Past Captains

Lady Captain’s Charity Day - Yankey Doodle Trophy 2023
Winners Yankey Doodle Trophy 2023

Lady Captain's Charity Day on Tuesday where the Yankey Doodle Trophy was played for. Only lady members with handicaps could win the trophy but other ladies, men and guests were invited. Fancy dress, Nearest the Pin, Nearest the Wiggly Line, Spot the Ball and Longest drive with the marshmallow (the heat often made the marshmallows burst) made it a fun filled day.

Pictured are winners of trophy Angela Forsyth and Gilll Collins with a great 42 pts. Runners-up were Rhian Jones & Jo Barrett with 37pts, a great score considering they were dtessed as tins of baked beans! Huge thanks to all who participated, donated and generally helped to raise approx £1000 for the Captains' charities Ovarian Cancer Action & Platform for Life.
Mote photos :

Men’s Winners

Collecting the men's prize was Mr President Neil Tidd on behalf of himself and partner Steve Sambell (who played in his toga! with a magnificent 47pts. Not far behind were Chris Turner & John Verdin as runners up.
Nearest the line - Ray Houlton
Longest Marshmallow Drive - Pat Roper

Winners - ladies and guests

Tracy Akin and Pam Hall were winners of the ladies & guests 1st prize with Lyn Crawford and Sue Morrant close runners up.

Neatest the Pin - Tracy Akin
Nearest the Line - Sue Groves

Best fancy dress - (chosen by bar staff) Mickey & Minnie. Thanks to all who dressed up, you were all brilliant!

Percival Trophy 2023

Portal ladies have won the prestigious Percival Trophy against opposition from many clubs in West Cheshire.

They played the semi final and final today at Prenton Golf Club after progressing through their group winning all their matches.

Well done ladies!

Lady Captain’s Day 2023

The weather held fine for Lady Captain's Day held at Portal recently. Lady Captain Sharon provided a gift on the 1st tee and welcome refreshment half way round.

18 ladies and half a dozen gents enjoyed the day which ended with an excellent roast dinner and prize giving.

Susan Wall was the eventual winner with a net 72 on a count back from Amy Lester.

Janis Turner won the 9 hole competition and Susan Alexander took the longest drive.

The men's winner was Lady Captain's husband Neil (keeping it in the family) and nearest the Pin Angelo Peccolo.

Pictures of the day can be found using this link::

Captain’s Day 2023

What a great day on Saturday for Captain's Day. The weather was glorious with drinks, chocolate bars (and apparently chocolate croissants!!) halfway round, courtesy of Mr Captain. Unfortunately the weather broke just in time for all to decamp into the clubhouse for the hog toast and much merriment and dancing to the tribute act , Tom Jones and Neil Diamond. Many thanks to Mr Captain for a great day. The winner of the Captain's Trophy with a great score of 40pts was Steve Houlston beating Gill Perry by 2 pts.
More photos by c;licking link:

First prize for the ladies went to Andrea Dunstan with 39pts beating Patti Vincent (35pts) into 2nd place.

Men's Nearest the Pin was Gil Perry, ladies' NP Patti Vincent, NP in 2 Andrea Dunstan.

Many thanks to Mr Captain Steve for a great day.

More photos can be found using following link.

Swipe left or right to view images.

Captains’ Drive-In 25th March 2023

New Captains, Sharon Tidd and Steve Rigby drove into the new golfing season at Portal recently.. The weather could have been better but it didn't deter members from playing in the Texas Scramble to win the Perry Cup and supporting the Captains' charities.

A very enjoyable day was had by all and the Captains were able to raise over £800 for their charities, Ovarian Cancer Action and Platform For Life, which provides mental health counseling for those who may not be able to financially to seek help .

Thanks to the Captains for providing welcome sausage rolls and many thanks to everyone who supported the day playing and supporting the charities, especially those who helped to raise such great amount.

Photos shown are 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizewinners, respectively;
Helen Williams, Chris Turner, Pat Roper & Andrew Stone - net 64;
Susan Wall, Rob Wilmington, Bob Crampton & Mark Hargreaves - net 64.5 and
Rhian Jones, Steve Nettleton, Jim Hayward & Neville Carr - net 67.9.
Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all who took part.

A few photos of the day can be found by clicking the link:

AGM 2023

New Captains Steve Rigby and Sharon Tidd were welcomed at the Annual General Meeting at Portal recently. Captain Steve presented Psst Captain Rob with a gift from the members with appreciation of the Captains' hard work during the year..

Past Captain Andrea with gifts presented by new Captain Sharon again with thanks from the members for another great year.

A very substantial amount of money was raised for the Captains' charity during the year. The cheque was received by representatives from Tarporley Hospital. A great achievement Captains.

Another gift for past Captan Rob. Not sure about toilet golf - must be a 'man thing'!

Good luck and best wishes to Sharon & Steve, emjoy your year.

Congratulations and a little gift for Ross on the birth of his baby daughter born on Christmas day.

Reports and speeches from the AGM will be posted on the website in due course.

Swipe left or right to view images.

Turkey Trot and Presentation 2022

The sun shone brightly for the annual Turkey Trot at Portal on Saturday, 79 members braved the cold and enjoyed the golf, mince pies and mulled wine (courtesy of management). Some excellent scores were posted and very close! After food in the clubhouse the presentation of prizes took place, including the trophies from previous major competitions during the year. Another very enjoyable day.

WInners : Irene Ross, Alan Faulkner, David Thompson & Paul Morris. net 59.8
2nd : Rosemary Lilley, John Walsh, Graham Martin & Richard Beddows. net 60.2
3rd : Lisa Daniel, Carl Wood, Sommerville Wright & Warren Cooper. net 60.6

Merry Christmas to all and Happy New Golfing Year!

Link to Presentation Photos:

Link to various photos from the day;

President’s Day 3rd September 2022

The weather turned out much better than the forecast on Saturday for the annual President's Day. Some excellent scores were posted and many congratulations to the winners :

Men: Winner : Andrew Wood - net 63
2nd : Tony Lowe - net 70
3rd : Simon Cook - net 72

Ladies: Winner : Dot Edwards - net 70
2nd : Sharon Tidd - net 71
3rd : Angela Forsyth - net 74

Mixed Stableford : Winner : Irene Ross - 40pts
2nd : Mike McNally - 37 pts (CB)

Nearest the Pin (17th): Sharaon Tidd
Nearest the Pin in 2 (12th) : David Mitchell.

Prizes will be presented at the rearranged President;s Evening and photos of the day can be found using the following link:

President v Captain match

The annual Captain v President match was held in good humour on bank holiday Monday. President Neil Tidd's team taking the honours and winning the shield. Least said the better about the score, suffice to say it was quite a substantial win! A very enjoyable match followed by afternoon tea. Pictured President Neil and Captains Rob & Andrea.

Club Championships 2022
Club Champioinship - Men

The men's and ladies' Club Championships were played on separate weekends this year due to unforeseen circumstances! Both were held in lovely sunshine bu the ladies unfortunately chose the hottest weekend pf the year! Well done to all who stayed the course and posted some excellent scores. The men's winners are as follows:
Men;s Club Champion : Chris Turner 80 + 78 = 158 gross
Net winner : Rob Williams 72 + 70 = 142

Day 1 net winner: Keith Winter 69
Day 2 net winner : Rob Williams 70

Ladies' Club Championship

Understandably, only 10 ladies braved the melting heat to play the Club Championship over 2 day last weekend.. Again some excellent scores were posted but Susan Alexander emerged as the Club Champion. Well done to all who played

Ladies' Club Champion : Susan Alexander 90 + 86 - 176 gross
Ladies' Net Winner: : Susan Wall 72 + 67 = 139 net.
Day 1 winner : Amy Lester 75 net
Dat 2 winner : Dot Edwards 71 net.

Few more photos follow link:

Captains' Charity Day

There was an excellent turnout for the Captains’ Charity Day on Sunday. Huge thanks from Captains, Andrea & Rob to all who supported the day. The sun eventually shone and everyone enjoyed good golf in great company.

Some excellent scores were posted but congratulations go to winners, Sharon & Neil Tidd who had a fantastic score of 47 points closely followed by runners up Sue Wall & Pat Roper with 46 points. Unfortunately, the winners had to leave before the presentation so no picture of them.

Two shots could not be separated for Nearest the Pin on the 15th green so bottles were awarded to both pairs; Sue Wall & Pat Roper and Jez Mellor & John Walsh (pictured above).

Over £700 was raised for the Tarporley War Memorial Hospital and thanks go to all who contributed.

Past Captains' Away Day _ Hawkestone Park
Past Captains' Away Day

Portal Past Captains' annual away day was held recently at Hawkestone Park. 22 past captains had a very enjoyable day with reasonable weather and some great scores (and lots of bunkers!!).

The winner of the ladies' shield was Lyn Crawford with 41 pts, and 2nd Rosemary Lilley with 36pts.

The men's shield was won by Pat Roper 42pts followed by Jim Wren with 37pts.

Longest Drives were won by Rhian Jones and Steve Houlston and Nearest the Pin Neil Tidd.

Congratulations to all the winners and many thanks to Anne Paton & Lyn Crawford for organising a great day.
Link for photo: :

Lady Captain's Day June 2022
Lady Captain's Day 2022

Winner Rhian Jones
with Lady Captain Andrea.

Lady Captain, Andrea held two competitions on her day this year, the main 18 hole Stableford qualifier to win the trophy and a 10 hole fun competition.

The sun peeped in and out but all enjoyed the day with gifts, cakes and drinks courtesy of Lady Captain. Rhian Jones won the main event with an amazing 42 points just pushing Daphne Earl into 2nd place with 41pts. Nearest the Pin was Rhian Jones and Nearest the Line was Lyn Crawford with a drive finishing 1 cm away from the line!

Winner of the 10 hole comp was Lisa Daniel (26pts) and runner-up Jane Cooke 21pts. Nearest the Pin was Val Hughes.

Winner of the men's prize was President, Neil Tidd with Vice-Captain Steve Rigby collecting the prize for Nearest the Pin.

Some great scores and many congratulations to the winners.

Afternoon tea was served in the clubhouse after the competition along with the prizegiving. Many thanls to Lady Captain Andrea for a very enjoyable day.

Click on link for photos of the day :

Captain's Days Wed 8th / Sat 11th June 2022
Captain's Day June 2022

Mr Captain (R) presenting trophy to Winner John Verdin

Mr Captain, Rob was fairly lucky with the weather for his Captain's Days last week. On Wednesday, a good turnout for the mixed Captain's Day, which was won by Graham Martin with 36pts on a countback from Will Reid. Nearest the Pin was Colin Pulman and Nearest the Pin in 2 was James Cannon.

On Saturday, the Captain's Trophy was won by John Verdin with a great 39pts beating Paul Bertenshaw who posted 36pts. Nearest the Pin was Chris Turner and Nearest the Pin in 2 Andy Goodwin.

The ladies' competition was won by Susan Alexander with a fantastic 43pts, Nearest the Pin - Wei-Sum Leung and Nearest the Pin in 3 - Dot Edwards.

Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to all who played. Many thanks to Mr Captain, Rob for gifts and plying us with drinks and chocolate bars and to all who were involved in organising the day.

A pleasant evening followed with the presentation of prizes and dinner at the club.

Photos can be found by the clicking the following links:
Wednesday Captain’s Day:
Saturday Captain’s Day

Jubilee Texas Scramble & BBQ June 2022
Jubilee Texas Scramble June 2022

Bunting, flags and red, white & blue were in abundance around the course on Saturday 4th June when Portal celebrated the Queen's Platinum Jubilee with a Texas Scramble and BBQ!
Some good scores and excellent golf resulted in winners Lisa Daniel, Susan Alexander & Keith Winter pipping runners-up Judy Yankey, Steve Houlston & John Randles at the post by 0.1 of a point! Nearest the Pin Team was Patti Vincent, David Barrett & Mr Captain Rob Williams.
Well played to all and thanks to all who participated.
Link for photos

Captain v Lady Captain June 2022
Captain v Lady Captain June 2022

The Jubilee festivities began Thursday June 2nd with the clubhouse festooned with flags and buntings ready for the annual matchplay competition between Capt and Lady Captain. How great it was to see Lady Captain back on the golf course and to add to her enjoyment, Lady Captain's team won by a large margin.
A great days golf in lovely sunshine and great spirit.

Click for few photos.

Men’s Council & Committee Away Weekend
Weekend Away May 2022

Earlier this month members of the men's Council & Committee enjoyed a great weekend at Lancaster GC. Fantastic weather and the course in excellent condition provided for some superb golf.
Mr President, Neil Tidd was victorious with Peter Wilson & Carl Boase taking respectively 2nd & 3rd.
Well done to everyone and looking forward to next year's trip.

Captains' Drive-In - Saturday 26th March

The Captains' Drive-In / Perry Cup was held on Saturday 26th March and was blessed with brilliant weather! Everyone enjoyed the day and the Captains were able to raise over £1000 for their charity (Tarporley Hospital). Many thanks to everyone who supported the day and especially those who helped to raise such a fantastic amount.

Unfortunately, Lady Captain was unable to play but did manage to drive off, albeit on one leg! Well done LC and many thanks for the little tinctures of spirits and chocs which you distributed around the course from your buggy !

Congratulations and well played to the winners, Irene Ross, Chris Turner, Jim Wren and Rob Camy.

Photos can be found using the following link

AGM 2022 - 28th February

The AGM took place eventually on Monday 28th February where our new President Neil Tidd was appointed and Pat Roper, our previous President stepped down after his 3 year tenure. Many thanks are due to Pat for all his hard work over this time and congratulations to Neil on his appointment.

New Captains, Andrea & Rob were also presented with their blazers and brooch & tie respectively.

Unfortunately Andrea was not able to attend the AGM but was shown on video.

Congratulations and best wishes to them for the year ahead and many thanks to past Captains Judy & Tony for their work in the previous year.

The minutes and reports can be found on the website and photos can be found using the following link.